Keeping others healthy, one brick at a time!!
Good morning all of our faithful Hands for Haiti followers! As I have been praying for this upcoming trip the end of March and discerning our direction for fundraising, I keep coming up with the same thing.
The health care clinic.
I know we usually collect for water filters, but feel God is calling us to focus on this project right now. You may not know what this is, so let me explain.
In Haiti, especially the rural areas, there is not a lot of available health care for the amount of people there are and the health care that they do have is sometimes too far for people to get to because of lack of transportation.
We were introduced to a nurse that has a dream to provide health services to her local village. She already does this from her home, sometimes throughout the night. She has put her life savings into a clinic she has started building but has run out of funds so it is not finished. I had been asked by our very good friend, Fr. Alexis, if I could help her with this project. At first, I didn't want to take on such a large project. We are just a small mission group I told him. But during my prayer for direction for our organization, God was ever consistent with His desire for us to take this on. Yes, it is overwhelming at times. I am not so experienced with this large of a project, but with Gods guidance I believe we can accomplish it. Who thought He would ask such a small humble group to take on a health clinic!?
So far, we have raised enough money to put on the needed doors and windows. But it is far from finished. We are traveling to Haiti in less than 3 weeks and I would love to bring them another donation to continue their progress. Without us, they cannot. Please find it in your heart to help us to help Vania fulfill her dream to serve her people. Once the clinic is able to see patients we will be able to volunteer our services there and more fully immerse ourselves in the life and culture of our Haitian brothers and sisters.
So we are doing a 2 week push for Health Clinic donations. How much can we raise for this beautiful expression of serving Christ? I am asking that you forward and send this to your family, friends and coworkers. If it is not something you are able to contribute to right now, that's ok, there may be someone you know that might be able to. Any assistance will help. Any prayers will also be welcome!
God bless you and together we can do great and wonderful things for great and wonderful people!!!
The Plan:
We need 200 bricks in 2 weeks!! $25 per brick!! Can we do it?
How many bricks do you want? __________# times $25 =_________________.
Please send your donations to:
Hands for Haiti Health Clinic Bricks!!
7421 W. Blue Rd.
Lake City, MI 49651