Culvers Night!

Culvers Night!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sunday, March 3 - Day 2 in Haiti

Let me just start with saying, Haiti is amazing! The people here are so loving, precious, and grateful. Today we went to Mass with Father Alexis, it was a very emotional ceremony because they are moving Father Alexis to another parish. At the end of Mass, there was a little old lady who just loved us, she gave all of us kisses. It was really rewarding to see her appreciation. The Haitians said their farewells to him through song, it was very touching.

We then went and visited the school that Father Alexis built, which I was surprised at the technology it had. They have computer class throughout the week, I never would have guessed! They also had a new library with a lot of books for the children. After visiting the school he built, we went to a different school to distribute rice, beans, and vegetable oil to families in need. To finish our day, we went back to Father Alexis' for dinner and to say bye to him. Father Alexis provided breakfast, lunch, and dinner for us today. The Freedom soup, onion soup, fresh bananas, and plantain were my favorites.

It's surprising to me how the Haitians react to "blancs" or white people. Most of the little kids get all giddy as we pass, while the adults just stare in wonderment. One little baby started crying as we approached him because he was scared since he'd never seen white people before. It's so interesting trying to communicate with the Haitians since for the most part, we don't know each others' language. Wood, our driver for the day was really excited to learn the English words. Bekah, Munji, and I had quite a lesson with him, he taught us the Creole words for belly button, stomach, metal, and many more things, while we taught him the English words for each. His face lit up with each new word we taught him and when we said the Creole translation back to him. I was very surprised at how good his handwriting is. I bonded really well with Wood.

It was a blessed day and I thank God for bringing us on this journey, I can't wait to see what the next few days bring us.

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