Culvers Night!

Culvers Night!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Prayer Request!!

Probably our last post before we leave~

Hello friends and family. Well, it is now 5 days until our “Team May” leaves for Haiti and time for the most important favor we have to ask of you. Your prayers!

Matthew 18:20 says, "For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am among them." We will be working amongst conditions foreign to most of us going and we will be faced with challenges not many of us have had to deal with. We will be stretching ourselves more than we have ever been stretched. But we will have the experience of “living the Gospel” more than we ever had the opportunity. We will go through some discouragement but come out with enthusiasm. We will feel sadness, and then be overcome with joy. We will use our bodies to serve others, and then be served by them for bodily nourishment. We will use our hearts and souls to love, and see their faces and smiles as they love us back. We wish you all were coming with us, but you still can be an integral part of this mission. Not only are you connected through your donations, but also through your prayers.

We are one body of Christ. 1 Cor. 12:20 says, “But as it is, there are many parts, yet one body.” and continues in verse 26, “all the parts share its joy.” Wow!!! How profound!! All of you share our joy!!! We are privileged to share with you all that we experience on this trip. Please watch our blog so we can share with you! Come and journey with us!! Lets all BE the Gospel TOGETHER!!!

If you would like to be committed to be one of our prayer warriors during the week of May 18-25, please respond back or comment on the blog site so we can add you to our list. One more note – your comments on our blog during our trip are a HUGE source of encouragement to us!! Please don’t hesitate to send us any notes!!

Ready, set, GO!!!

Love, "Team May"
Debbi, Daniel, Christie, Fran, Chase, Adam


Kim said...

We have it on the calendar! Mead family is with you in prayer. God bless!

Aunt Dawn said...

Sign me up as a Team May prayer warrior. I am looking forward to following your journey. You all are awesome...Go Team May!!!!!!

pam said...

Christie and team May,

God has sent you all for "such a time as this"!! You will make a difference as His Word (and actions in His name) will not return void!

God go before you,
Pam Wolpert