Culvers Night!

Culvers Night!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Continued from last day in Verrettes

...last day in Verrettes...continued #1

Our trip would not have been complete without experiencing the sights and smells of the market in town. This was definately worth the walk, seeing women so carefully displaying their prized goods to sell and help support their family. Fruits and vegetables, rice and grains, spices, ingredients and who can forget all the fresh meat of every kind (complete with pig and chicken feet) just waiting for the needy shopper. With so many vendors, who do you choose to buy from? It would be difficult I would think. As we were following Limone, Tom's daughter, we were trying to take it all in. Christie was both friend and foe with her camera. Some were very eager for their livelihood to be documented and others not so much. Either way, we both respected and appreciated their contribution to their community.

After another fantastic lunch of Haitian macaroni and cheese cooked by Tom's beautiful wife, Fecilta, we were off to pick up more fruit trees to take up the mountain to the small community of Tewoug. Here we were able to immerse ourselves in the planting event, everyone in the community and on our team supporting one another. The whole exchange culminating with lots of joyful singing, dancing, game playing, and laughter among the children and young people. A wondrful highlight for Chase was passing out the soccer and tennis balls and seeing how much joy just a simple gesture like that can bring. One of the coolest things was seeing a couple of the boys that Chase had given tshirts to last June when we were in the same area. They were still wearing the shirts!!! be continued again

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