Culvers Night!

Culvers Night!

Monday, October 1, 2012


Another busy day here.This morning I took a ride with our friend Jean Rony to St. Marc for some computer poblems he was having.  He drove 20 miles, then 3 times around the block looking for a spot to park, then in line for 45 minutes while a UN officer with a sawed off 12 gauge watched your every move!  All that for a 5 minute question and answer session that us Americans would have just made a quick call on the phone for!

I'm sitting here at 9pm sweating my butt off while I'm writing this which wouldn't be so bad if I hadn't just got out of the shower!  Debbi had a rough night with a tummy ache but after getting going we headed back to Verrettes to visit some of the gardens Faith In Action International has been working on this summer.  They have used all of the trees that Team October 2011 planted in the nursery and the private gardens are starting to produce fruit already (only 1 year!). We also had the opportunity to visit with some young teachers/professors at a school designed for individuals who have finished high school and would like to continue at a university but can not afford it.  Instead they go to this school and receive teaching certificates which will allow them to find good paying jobs with less expense. 

We finished our day in Verrettes saying goodbye to Sister Judy and tying up loose ends with Fresnel and Joanes who are helping us with our future building projects.  We had a nice dinner with Fr. Alexis and laughed a lot as usual!  Such a great friend!

 We leave in the morning to trek back to the States.  We look forward to seeing our family who we miss terribly but will also miss the many friends we have here in Haiti!  Au revoir!!  Jeff

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