Yes, it was 1 week ago today that we spent our last day in Haiti before we travelled home. And, yes, it has taken this long to write about it - my apologies. Sometimes it takes time to process what we've experienced and learned. Each time we go, we "taste" different parts of Haiti and we "digest" it in new ways.
Last Wednesday, our morning began with a farewell breakfast with Fr. Alexis. Jeff and Ben had arrived prior to this from Tom's house. They had spent the night trying to help him fix his truck. Although the task was unable to be completed, they did gain an understanding on what was wrong with it - a blessing!
After saying good-bye to our friends, we travelled to Port-au-Prince with Jean Rony and arrived at our Guest House in about 3 hours. We unloaded our bags and headed to Mother Theresa's Home for Malnourished Babies to spend the day there.
This was a very emotional day for everyone. We felt that it was a bit contradictory - bittersweet you can say. It was sad seeing all of the undernourished children, but very fulfilling giving them our love and attention. We saw God in each of these little one's eyes, reaching out to us to be touched. We saw hope in the mothers that came to nurse their babies and care for them. We saw selflessness and dedication in the Sisters of Charity that very joyfully care for these beautiful children of God every single day and night. We saw reminders of our Creator everywhere, even in the pictures of our Savior that lined the walls of the rooms. The children were so eager for our attention. So eager to sit on our laps. Are we that eager to seek out our Heavenly Father? To yearn to sit on His lap? To give Him our complete trust as these young ones trusted us? There was no fear in their eyes. When they saw us, they just reached out. What are our fears in life? Can we put them aside and too, reach out to the One Who is Love Himself? We have to try. We yearn to be filled with His love. We were created by Him, so we can only be fulfilled with Him. Let's stretch out our own arms and welcome Jesus into our hearts and let Him consume our lives. Then we will smile like those little children that smiled up at us when we picked them up. Happy and loved!!!
God bless!!